We help you find and deploy the right container service so you can manage and scale them according to your unique business requirements. Choose among the options like the amazon ECR, Amazon ECS, Amazon EKS, AWSFargate, and the amazon EC2 to run your container workloads that suit your needs.
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We help you choose the right AWS container service that runs on the best infrastructure available in the globe, which includes 69 Availability Zones that span over 22 geographic regions. With AWS we give you more than double the regions with more availability zones than any other major cloud services provider. We design our process driven services to provide you with assurance and smooth operations.
You get the widest and best suited choice with the AWS containers service we leverage for your business. For a server-less computing, clients can go for AWS Fargate while those who need control over the configuration and granular control of managing their compute environment can choose the Amazon EC2 option.
There is even a choice over which container orchestrator you want to go for; Amazon Elastic Container Service (ECS) or the Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS) should you be more inclined towards those options.